2025 Capital Improvement Requests

    Capital Improvement 2025 Requests

2024   Process Dates:

a. October 7 - CIP has all the Department projects.

b. November 4 - CIP Finalizes and Votes on the Plan.

c. November 19 - Public Hearing at Planning Board.

d. November 25 - Public Hearing at Select Board.

Highway Requests for 2025:   

Paving Program 2021 to 2029.pdf
Paving Recycling way & lot, Highjway road and lot.pdf

Library Requests for 2025:

2024 Capital Improvement Plan Information.docx
Irrigation system - 2024.pdf
Carpeting -2024.pdf
Library CCTV- 2024.pdf
Shelving and Service Desk - 2024 (1).pdf
Director's office- 2024.pdf
New LIbrary Facility - 2024.pdf
Greatscapes Irrigation 3-29-23.pdf
ADT Exterior CCTV 2-13-23.pdf

Litchfield Police Department Requests for 2025:

2025 LPD CIP Building Worksheet.pdf
2020_0529 Elevations.pdf
2020_0526LPD Perspective.pdf
Floor Plan 2020_0520.pdf
Litchfield PD Cost Estimate 2024-04-23.pdf
LPD Gym Quote.xlsx
Litchfield PD Cost Estimate 2024-04-23.xlsx
LPD Site.pdf

Recreation Commission Requests for 2025:

 Overview:    6 Projects

LRC CIP 7.24.pdf